ceramic heater: delonghi

This year, good choice for a heater was this Delonghi ceramic heater. The heater's simple yet very attractive design, the nice, gray color and excellent heat controls.

The delonghi heater foot switch was an instant favorite. It is so easy not to ever think about bending down or fiddling with heater controls: you just press the foot switch and off you go, the heater is on and heating immediately. My opinion of this ceramic heater was that much improved, right off the bat, but it wasn't the only thing that made me buy this model.

Delonghi Model: DCH-3020 was the choice simply because it was cheap! Yes, I found a very good deal just before this winter season, and could not pass up a bargain. The retail price hovers around $70 to $80, while I was able to buy it under $30, with free shipping (online). Definitely take time and search out a bargain, they're out there.

ceramic heater: delonghi Delonghi Ceramic Heater Model: DCH3020

Initially, I wanted an infrared dish heater, one I just recently gave away as a present and which i owned for more than 3 years, because of how well it heated up the room and how fast it was. But the Holmes dish heater has one drawback: it heats one spot in a room and it does it VERY efficiently. Additionally, the dish heater does not circulate air, so the heated spot becomes like sitting under the sun on a hot day, VERY HOT.

Also check out: Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel, Hot Tools Curling Irons and the Delonghi website for more information about heaters and other appliances.

This Ceramic Heater's Air circulation is outstanding. The ceramic heater heats the air and uses a fan to slowly distribute the heat. The settings to control the amount of heat are almost endless. There is a switch for Low, Medium and High Heat. There's also a separate switch of 0-100 on how hot you want the heat to be. I usually use Medium and about 90 on the heat scale, works very well for me.

Heater Noise Level is also very low, in fact, it seems the higher you set the heat setting (0-100), the lower the noise. I was very concerned about the noise, but not with this model. It seems the fan speed is lowered as the heat is turned up. That's why when i keep the heater at a 90 degree heat, it's almost noiseless.

There's a second Delonghi Ceramic Heater model, DCH4120. This model is more expensive, and the difference is an oscillating fan switch. In my view, it's not necessary, the regular model will do a great job.

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