Find Percent Increase or decrease difference between two percentages

How to find Increase or Decrease between two percentage numbers? What if you need to calculate percentage increase or percent decrease between two percentages? Our online tool will calculate percent increase, and it will also calculate percent decrease.

Math Example: How to calculate percent increase or Decrease between two values?

Percent Increase Problem: You need to calculate percent % increase from 5% to 15%. First Step: find the difference between two percentages, in this case, it's 15% - 5% = 10%. Second: Take 10 percent, and divide by 2nd percentage: 10/5 = 2. Now multiply this number by 100: 2*100 = 200%. You're done! You calculated difference of a number in percent, and the answer is a percentage increase of 200% percent.


Percent Increase or decrease between percentages Calculator

Enter two percent numbers to find percentage increase or percentage decrease difference:

% to %


ANSWER: % is percentage increase or decrease (when value is negative)

Real World Money Example: How to find Increase or Decrease between two percentage numbers? Value of your car depreciated by 60% over 5 years. By how many percent has it depreciated since you bought it? Steps: take first percent, which is 100% when the car was new, take 2nd percentage, 60%. 60-100 = -40. Then take result and divide by 2nd number: -40 divide by 100 = -0.4 and multiply by 100, equals -40%. Answer, car dropped 40% of money value. Using our online tool, you will get a negative answer, which means percent decrease instead of increase.

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