Hot Tools Curling Iron Review: sizes, curl speed, prices

Curling irons are priced depending on construction, manufacturer and ceramic coating of the curling iron barrel. Hot Tools, the curling iron I found best for my hair, is priced well above a regular curling iron, so for the longest time I didn't want to give Hot Tools a chance. Trust me, to spend almost 4 times as much on a curling iron over the popular market favorite such as Revlon and the rest seemed ridiculous. Trying to research my purchase, I could not find thorough Hot Tools curling iron reviews or for that matter any curling iron reviews, so here's my own.

I purchased my curling iron pair for $35 each. It's a great price for Hot Tools curling irons, considering some stores offer them for over $40. Tired of the time it took me to curl my hair, I finally decided to give Hot Tools a try and went for the ceramic hot tools curling iron. I bought the 1 1/2 inch and the 1/2 inch barrel curling iron models, to cover the wide range of hair styles I usually create. Ceramic models are purple in color, vs. the standard chrome models. Also, hot tools make gold coated curling irons. The 1/2 inch does a great job creating small, wavy curls, which look great, but my favorite is the biggest Hot Tools curling iron - 1 1/2 inch - it creates big, beautiful, soft hair curls.

Hot Tools curling Iron heat settings are easy to use and it takes about about 5-8 seconds of application to set the hair curl. The curling iron heats up in about one minute. Usually, once I turn the curling iron on and I can feel the heat if pass my hand over it, it's good to go. For fine hair hot iron should be on a "4" or a "5" setting. The curling iron impressed me from the very beginning. Gets hot quickly, and I can set the heat setting from 1 to 10. The best heat setting for my hair is "4". I have untreated, thin and straight blonde hair, that gets singed quickly. I'd suggest a higher setting for coarser hair.

hot tools  logo Hot Tools Logo

ceramic curling iron This is MY curling iron: the Hot Tools Ceramic Curling Iron. I own 1/2 inch barrel and 1.5 inch barrel [my favorite!].

Hot Tools brand is made by Helen Of Troy. They also make Revlon brand, Vidal Sassoon and others. It's pretty much impossible to find them online when searching for Hot Tools. My advise is to buy online, just try to check out barrel sizes first in a brick/mortar store. Visit the Hot Tools Website made by Helen of Troy company.

hot tools marcel curling ironUnusual Marcel Hot Tools Curling Iron

The absolute best part of Hot Tools curling iron is it's speed and set time. It curls hair very quickly, and the hair stays curled for the whole day. With most irons, you would be happy with just half a day of hold, but not this one! I also do not use any hair spray, my hair naturally stays curled.

hot tools curling iron heat settings Hot Tools Curling Iron Heat setting manual states fine or treated hair should be set at 1-4. Medium hair should be 5-7 and coarse hair should be 7-10. I have fine, blonde hair and so #4 or #5 is perfect for me.

Hot Tools curling irons come in 7 barrel width:

  • 3/8" curling iron barrel for soft, tight curls, bangs and wisps
  • 1/2" curling iron barrel for extra-tight curls
  • 5/8" curling iron barrel for smooth, tight curls
  • 3/4" curling iron barrel for all hair lengths
  • 1" curling iron barrel creates full curls and waves
  • 1¼" curling iron barrel creates large, loose curls
  • 1½" curling iron barrel for longer hair - my favorite! The one and a half inch barrel is said to be used for long hair. If you hair is about shoulder length, it creates a very nice, up-curl or down-curl look right on the shoulders.

Possible curling iron injuries. While i have not found this curling iron to be of any defects, when I used a high heat setting on the iron (I mistakenly set it to 8) the curling iron began 'smoking' my hair while I was curling, so I'd advise everyone to be very careful when setting a heat temperature, make sure to work with a low temperature and raise as necessary.

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