Tap Store iPhone Game App Guide to experience, inspiration and coin earning tips, plus hints and game play guide with pictures

Tap Store Players, let me guess - you are here because there's very little information out there to guide players to top levels and coin earnings in Tap Store [a game for iPhone, iPad and iPod by Street View Labs].


Tap Store Game play without Purchases: I recommend playing without inspiration purchases. It makes Tap Store more challenging and of course, doesn't cost you any money. Tap Store is FREE from iPhone app store. I reached level 30 and uncovered all the inventory without buying inspiration. It took approximately 2-3 months of daily game play. When I reached appox level 25, all clothes were revealed. @ Level 30 I have a little less than 300 million coins and about 2.5 million experience. If you ever wondered what President's faces are on US currency money, check it our here.


Tap Store Floor Layout: my layout is done to make most space for storage boxes and racks. As you can see from my level 18 screen shot, I used same layout on lower levels as I used on level 30 of Tap Store.

tap store iphone game app download iPhone Tap Store game app by Street View Labs


Tap Store Inspiration Purchases and Free inspiration through game downloads: like many other applications which can be downloaded for free, developers get paid with in-app purchases. In Tap Store you can buy inspiration to advance the game much quicker than just by gaining coins and experience alone. You can also download apps to try and gain inspiration for each download.


Tap Store Mannequin Purchase to Attract customers: as you can see from my level 30 screen shot, I purchased all mannequins available. They attract more customers to the store. If you want to take your own iPhone screen shots, press the power and the wheel button together while inside Tap Store Game.

tap store app for iphone
Tap Store iPhone game app - level 18


tap store iphone app game level 30
Tap Store iPhone game app - level 30


Best Clothes to buy for most experience to advance Tap Store game: [use chart below] After you revealed all your clothes, track suit is the best to advance quickly by gaining most experience per item. For track suit in Tap Store, you will gain 680 experience for each 3,250 quantity ordered. To help you calculate quickly, use our percent Increase calculator and many others. You can use the same principle and find the best clothes to gain most points per purchase. To see more spectacular fashions on real models, check out our America's Next Top Model Photoshoots for every season of ANTM show with pictures of every challenge and winners.


Best Clothes to buy for most coins [profit] in Tap Store Game: [use chart below] obviously highest profit per hour wins, but as you can see, the striped shirt needs to be purchased every 15 minutes, and that's just not practical for daily game play to sit by your iPhone every 15minutes, 24hours a day, 7 days a week, re-purchasing the same shirt. I suggest ordering clothes every 6-9 hours, so you can order same item and still get your sleep. Leather pants [24], tap farm shorts [13] are good picks here.


Make your own clothes from Tap Store: I always thought the clothes with the most fun look were the tap shorts and the red dress. I can't imagine even looking for tap shorts in stores, but the red dress reminds me of wedding dresses. You can see how you can make your own Vera Wang Wedding Gown just by being smart with ribbons.


Download Tap Store from iPhone App Store, see Street View Labs [developer] homepage and see other Tap iPhone Apps: Tap Fish, Tap Jungle, Tap Farm.


Also check out our Crazy Machines Game Level Solutions.

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